Our Takeaways from the Monitor Disrupted+ Conference


Dan Levin, President, and Danielle Dolloff, EVP of Business Development, were able to attend the 2nd in the Monitor Daily’s disruption series. Monitor hosted its first Disrupted+ conference of the 2020 series in Newport Beach, California, on Tuesday, February 25th. The conference was held at The Resort at Pelican Hill, providing spectacular views. Industry leaders in the finance and leasing industry detailing the trials and tribulations of intentional disruption conduct Monitor Disrupted+. Leaders from Companies of all sizes and tenure shared how they brought change, fought through hardships, and what they learned along the way.


As to be expected when discussing innovation, the role of technology was vital. However, starting with technology is not the answer. Start with the customer experience. What does your customer need and want? Once you know that; leverage technology to meet and hopefully exceed their expectations.

The day was capped off by a beautiful sunset over the ocean.


Stay tuned for the next conference in Monitor’s Disrupted+ series of 2020, held in Dallas, Texas, on May 5th.